The Word on Business was born out of a need that I, as a longtime business-owner experienced firsthand as a young man. When, as a 22 year old, I found myself on a ladder 20 feet in the air, riveting my new sign across the awning of my rented office, I had no idea that in founding my accounting practice, I would be embarking upon one of the most difficult seasons of my life—before or since.
That year, in 1994, I started with just 5 clients that had followed me from my former employer. While I made barely enough to purchase $0.29 bananas and IGA brand corn flakes at the local corner store, I had plenty of free time, and was able to read the Bible and pray for a couple of hours each day. Fast forward four years, to 1998, and things looked like they had been incredibly successful for me—at least from the outside. I had gone from having 5 clients to having about 1300 and I was working 80-95 hours per week. At this point, two principles had guided my work and had exploded my business: “Do your best” and “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” Those ideas were a fine start, but they were not all that was needed.
Since attaining this “success,” my time spent in studying the Bible and in prayer diminished significantly and by the year 2000, at age 28, I was having chest pains, and I had been taking blood pressure and stomach medicine for years. I had 4-5 recurring sinus infections per year and I took antibiotics constantly. The real “wake-up call” occurred for me when my health insurance company declared me uninsurable…at age 28!
It was at this point that I experienced another startling revelation— that EVERY BUSINESS SHOULD GLORIFY GOD and that when my business was run in accordance with God’s intentions for it, that it would not interfere with my relationships with Him, with my wife, and with my kids. Yet, running it as I had been doing, it was most definitely affecting those relationships. Working 80+ hours per week, my devotional time was pretty much zero, my wife received nothing good from me, and I rarely saw my two little girls awake. Suffice it to say, neither my business nor my life at that time glorified God, as a result, my physical, mental, and spiritual health was failing and my family was suffering. But, you can avoid making the same painful mistakes I did.
The Word on Business has been a project in the making for over a decade before I ever published our first website or blog post. Our various product offerings are all intended for one key reason—to help you build a business that aligns with Biblical principles so that you can be more effective in every area of your life as a follower of Christ. Poorly run businesses dilute their Christian witness with poor service, poor quality and a decreased ability to save time or money that can be used to the purpose of witnessing and discipleship. When done correctly, however, your business can be one of the biggest blessings in your life and in the lives of those it employs and serves, and TWOB is here to help make this a reality for you by bringing you Biblical counsel coupled with real-world application for the main reason that God may be glorified and that you and those around you may be blessed.
It is my hope and prayer that through TWOB, you may be able to avoid my errors and to excel at building your business in God’s way.