Contrary to mainstream thought in the business world, the ultimate purpose of a business is not to be sold for profit. According to Matthew 28:19-20, the greatest purpose in the life of a Christian is to fulfill the Great Commission by making disciples of Jesus in whatever spheres of life he or she operates, including the world of business! When you begin to view business in this way, it becomes apparent that believers have an undeniable burden to run their businesses according to the principles found in Scripture.
We’ve all heard others use the phrase, “business is business,” usually in conjunction with an action that is both morally questionable and Scripturally objectionable. But for believers, there is no separate standard for business and life outside the office. There is only one standard, one guidebook—God’s Holy Word.
TWOB exists to help Christians apply the Bible to their businesses, so that those businesses can better glorify the Lord and can be used as a tool to disciple other believers and to witness to the lost. While additional benefits of conforming one’s business to God’s Word may also include reduced stress and more discretionary time and money, caution must be used on this point, lest we wade into error. The Bible tells us that is the Lord who teaches us to profit, (Isaiah 48:17) and that apart from Him, we can do nothing (John 15:5). So, do understand that if you are profiting in your business, that success is attributable solely to the hand of God, and as such, there is no pride in it for yourself (Proverbs 16:18). Although part of the Lord’s purpose for your business is to provide for your needs, the Lord’s design is never for your business to create so much wealth that your dependence upon Him diminishes. Rather, His plan is for your business to humble you as His servant and to prune you for further growth and greater fruitfulness for Christ’s kingdom— to which making disciples and fulfilling the Great Commission is absolutely central (John 15:2).